Haibun: Forgiving Myself
Lost in dreams, I can whittle the day away. Dreams that pull me into the possible, dreams that make the day go by with nothing immediately done.
I know I’m prone to this, so I set my morning routines. By about 3:30am, most mornings, I am working away with my pen in hand getting out my three pages. Nothing really special, nothing I intend to publish, just revisiting parts of my life. I write about my life as honestly as I can.
In my writing, I have to accept when I was wrong, wronged, and made the best decision I could with the information and worldview I had. On those pages, I have learned how to forgive myself and others. In my life, a day whittled from a whole day down to just a sliver by time I’m getting ready for bed, I am learning to forgive myself, learn myself, and try again.
ponderosa pines
high above the hot desert
summer, waves lapping