Haibun: August Heat

These are the endless days of heat, the days where it feels like summer will never end. Every day is above 100 and every day seems like it will always be above 100. Yet, when I think about it, in 6 weeks, it is October. So in six weeks, fall will be here and the bend towards winter will be evident and our life will orient accordingly.

It is remarkable how in 6 weeks, a newborn will still be “a newborn” and a new car “a new car.” But for those of us pushing our bodies through our work in this forever heat, 6 weeks is a new world. In 6 weeks, we can move freely without our bodies pulling us towards the shade or air conditioning.

So for now, it is still one foot in front of the other. It is still slowing down so I don’t get dizzy. It is still drinking over two gallons of water a day. It is still summer in the desert and we are still burning emissions, so it is still my determination that gets me through these punishing days. And it is hope that lets me know this emission fueled wrath is unfurling soon.

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